Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On the sea

These pictures were taken moments after each other. The second picture was a 3 second exposure, its kinda sweet becasue although it is the moon it looks like the sun

These pictures are from the suez canal. This was a mosque we passed as we were exiting the south end of the canal.

AK-47 barrel and Bayonet statued, sticking out of the sand on the eastern side. I took pictures of boths sides of the canal. The eastern side is barren desert, the western side is green and alive.

This is La maddelana, on the island of Sardinia which is part of Italy. We only anchored here for a few hours but it would have been awesome to get off and see the countryside.

These couple of pictures are from Souda Bay, Crete, we pulled up to the pier here for about 5 hours, another bummer, would have been a cool place to check out.

My Ship the Leroy Grumman

USNS Comfort a Naval hospital ship
A Russain ship that pulled into Norfolk as we were leaving, vicious looking ship.

My last Hamburger
I got really dirty one day

Rota, Spain
The Rock of Gibraltor

Summer Time

Well its been awhile since I got on this web page, I even forgot my username and password. I have a lot of pictures from my activities and travels this summer, many of them I can't post because of OPSEC (operational security) but I can put a few up showing my ship, where we went and what we did. I also have some funny pictures of when Brandon, Andrew, and I went golfing, it was funny. One of these links is a video, its funny too.

These pictures are from the morning after our mondo lightening storm